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4th-7th Grade Boys & Girls

2024 Winter Season

Registration Ends on October 18th, 2024

Price: $225

Our Winter League is designed for boys and girls teams in 4th through 7th grade.  Each team must have a minimum of 8 players on their roster and will be scheduled to play 11-12 games during the winter season. Games will be played within the SMSD and Olathe areas. All teams will also be scheduled to receive 12-13 practice times throughout the season. Like games, practices will be held within the SMSD and Olathe areas. Practice times and dates will be allocated once a team is fully registered.

Each team must come in with a minimum of 8 players per team. Teams that are already formed are welcomed to join our Winter League, but if an individual registers and does not have a team, they will be placed on an available team within their grade and gender. Uniforms are not provided for 4th through 7th grade teams. Coaches are responsible for purchasing jerseys for their own team. Coaches can reach out to our contact, Jock's Nitch, for all jersey orders.  

There are many differences in our special rules as teams transition from 3rd to 4th grade. To see those differences, reference the chart below.

GABL Preseason games will be played on Nov. 16-17; Dec. 7-8; Dec. 14-15
GABL Regular season games will be played Jan 10-12; Jan. 17-19; Jan. 24-26; Jan. 31-Feb. 2; Feb. 7-9; Feb. 14-16
GABL Postseason games will be played Feb. 21-23 & Feb. 28-March 2nd (4th-7th grades ONLY)

2024 Winter 5v5 4th-7th Grade Registration

No Programs are Currently Displayed

There are no programs or divisions available at the moment. Please contact your club administrator with any questions.

Interested in Coaching?

GABL relies on volunteer coaches to make our leagues a success! If you would like to coach in our program, please fill out the volunteer application included in your child's online registration.  If you are bringing in a pre-formed team, please fill out the roster portion of the volunteer application.

If you are coaching and will not be registering a child, please follow these instructions:
Create an account.
Click on my account in the top right corner.
Click on the Volunteer tab and Add/Remove Volunteer Roles.
Select the desired volunteer role and click next.
Complete application.


If you are looking to order uniforms, please reach out to Rob Watts at Jock's Nitch for all of your team's needs!

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 913-345-2882
Address:  11966 W 119th St, Overland Park, KS 66213

Great American Basketball League

15030 W. 106th St., Fax: 913-236-9188
Lenexa, Kansas 66215
Phone : 913-236-8833
Email : [email protected]
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