The Corporate Partner Program represents a commitment by corporations and business to support the Foundation’s mission, principle areas of focus and programs. It also represents a commitment by the Foundation to support and promote the goods and services of our participating corporations and businesses.
The program is divided into four segments.
Business Partners, an opportunity for companies to be involved with and support the activities and programs of GABL.
Champion Partners consist of those companies interested in partnering with the Foundation to enhance their brand, improve their sales and stand out from their competition. This partnership represents the most significant financial contribution and delivers the greatest number of benefits and exposure opportunities. This partnership typically is exclusive to a business area.
Community Service Partners consist of companies or foundations interested in supporting community, non-profit organizations and/or improving their corporate images. Typically, these groups have no advertising interest and contributions are directed at new programs (Investment case-by-case).
Official Suppliers consist of companies providing supplies or services to the Foundation or its participants and families, whereby the Foundation benefits in reduced costs or shares in revenue from sales of the product or services. (Investment case-by-case)
Corporations also may sponsor individual Foundation programs.
For more information about the Corporate Partners Program, contact Brett Hunter by phone at 913-236-8833 or by email at
[email protected].
Current Corporate Partners
Champion Partners
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Official Banking Partner of GABL | Official Sporting Goods Provider of GABL | Official Partner of GABL | Official Office Equipment Provider of GABL
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